9 Easy Steps to Patching Holes in Your Shoes

If you have a favorite pair of shoes that have developed holes or imperfections, you might think your shoes have reached the end of their life. Fortunately, shoe patches make it easy to patch holes in your shoes. As you try to extend the life of your shoes, learn more about how to patch a hole in a shoe by following these nine steps.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Once you’ve decided that you’re going to patch your pair of shoes, you’ll need to gather your materials. Make sure you have the following materials before you get started:

  • Shoe patch material, such as a piece of leather or textile. You can also make the patching easier by using a specialized patch made for holes in shoes.
  • Scissors.
  • Shoe glue or adhesive (skip this step if you’re using a specialized patch that already includes an adhesive).
  • Sandpaper (optional, as you only need it to smooth rough edges).
  • Needle and thread if you need to sew any part of the patch.

Step 2: Assess The Damage 

Take some time to examine your shoes for all areas that might need patching. If there’s one spot that needs patching, there might be more. Even if you were planning on only fixing a specific area of your shoes, a closer look might reveal more spots that are either worn out or on their way to becoming holes.

Look for holes, tears, or worn-out sections. Pay close attention to the material your shoes are made out of, as this will determine what type of patch you need from the list in the first step! 

If you’re using a specialized patching kit, note the location of the holes. Typically, patching kits are made for certain areas of the shoe. For example, a shoe sole patch is made to patch the soles of shoes, while big-toe shoe patches are meant to patch the big-toe area of your shoes. Once you find where the holes are, purchase a shoe patch kit designed to patch the specific area where the hole is located.

Step 3: Prepare the Patch 

When you’re making your own patch with a piece of leather or a textile, cut out a section of the material you’re going to use to fix your shoe. Make sure the section is slightly larger than the hole or area that you’re fixing itself.

If you want the patch to blend in smoothly, try to get the material you’re using to be as close in color to your shoe as possible. If you're using an adhesive patch, the kit should have directions telling you how to prepare the patch for application.

Step 4: Clean and Prep the Shoe Surface 

Before you start applying your patch, you’ll want to clean the area around the damaged area with a damp cloth to remove any dirt, dust, or debris. 

If the surface is smooth leather, you can lightly sand the damaged spot to help with adhesion. Just be careful! Sandpaper can do a lot of damage to leather if you go too rough with it.

Once you’ve cleaned the spot, allow it to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 5: Apply the Patch

If you're using a fabric or leather patch, apply a thin layer of shoe glue or adhesive to the back of the patch. Place the patch on the damaged area and press firmly for about 30 seconds. Smooth out any wrinkles or air bubbles to ensure the bond is tight.

If you're using an adhesive patch, simply peel off the backing and apply it directly to the shoe surface. Press firmly and hold it for 30 seconds.

Step 6: Stitch if Necessary

For larger tears and holes, you may have to use a bit of needle and thread to stitch the patch onto the area. Choose a thread color that matches your shoe so that the material isn’t noticeable. Stitch around the perimeter of the patch carefully to make sure it is securely attached to the shoe.

If you want to avoid stitching and save time, use a shoe patch kit that includes a patch large enough to cover the hole fully.

Step 7: Allow Time to Dry

Once the patch is set and stitched (if necessary), let it sit for a few hours to ensure everything has dried and set. 

If you’re using a kit, follow the manufacturer's instructions for drying times.

Step 8: Trim Excess Material

If any excess patch material extends beyond the edges of the shoe, carefully trim it away with scissors to create a neat finish. Be mindful of the shoe material itself, as you don’t want to cut into your favorite pair of kicks and make the problem worse!

Step 9: Finishing Touches 

If there are any rough parts, use a bit of sandpaper to lightly smooth them out.  After you’re done, take a second to admire your handiwork! You should be proud that you tackled this by yourself and brought your favorite pair of shoes back to life.

Fix Your Shoes With Trainer Armour From Wrightsock

Patching your shoes may seem hard at first, but if you follow these steps, it can be a great way to save money in the long run. With just a few basic materials and some patience, you can breathe new life into your favorite pair of kicks. At Wrightsock, we’re proud to carry Trainer Armour shoe patches, which make it easy to protect your footwear before they develop holes or fix holes once they start to become a problem. Whether you’re looking for a patch for your shoe’s heel or one for your big toe, Trainer Armor has a kit for you.

Learn more about Trainer Armor patch kits today. If you have any questions or want help choosing a pair, please contact us.